What the %&#!!!

4 October 2007 0 By Viv McWaters

In my previous post I talked about the battery charger saga. I’m now the proud owner of the ‘Omnipotence Travel Charger’ Made in China.

Here’s what it says in the ‘Operation Step’.

1. play the slice the charger first to aim at the plus or minus pole of battery. good battery of cover.

2. press the “test” key. “confirm” the bright elucidation of light is normal to refresh. If the “confirm” the light is not bright, press the “the conversion” the key convert the power supply’s pole, then normal refresh.

3. normal refresh, refresh the light flicker; battery saturation hour. the saturated light is all and bright, and refresh the light to put out. Refresh time general for 4 hours, add result of an a 1-2 more good.

4. this charger can circumscribe link the line. direct opponent machine to refresh. Can refresh the pond with the charger cellualr phone at the same time.

Glad we got that sorted!