
5 March 2008 0 By Viv McWaters

I kind of like Twitter. twitter.pngHave been using it for a few weeks now. Am not overly addicted to it (which was a fear). Like the limit of 140 characters. A couple of people I follow I know quite well – one lives nearby, the other on the other side of the world. Some other people I follow I don’t know at all except though their blogs.

I’m with Hugh MacLeod on this one. I’m over email, Facebook is plain annoying most of the time, still enjoying certain blogs and really like the immediacy and connection from Twitter.

So to quote Hugh:

Twitter is now the best way of [a] keeping up with what I’m doing on a day-to-day basis and [b] getting my attention. So I hope you’ll follow me on Twitter, and start using it yourself as well, if you’re not doing so already.

And I hope you’ll come and follow me on Twitter too.