Slowing down to see more, be more

10 March 2008 0 By Viv McWaters

I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve said that I’m a generalist – through my work and interests I’m happy to know a little about a lot. This post by William Tozier (hat tip to Dave Pollard) is well worth a read. He argues for a life of noticing, of exploration – of being a generalist. Here’s a little sample (and please, go and read the whole lot)…

The generalist should not be headed for any place where he is “done”. When are you “done” paying attention? When are you “done” talking, considering? When are you “done” learning or seeing? Specialization is easier, simpler, more comfortable not because the world demands it, but because it can be measured, commoditized, evaluated and rewarded. Because it’s a worklife that is obvious, and transparent, and self-explanatory.