we20 on the Surf Coast

25 March 2009 0 By Viv McWaters

imageswe20 is a grass roots gathering of small groups all over the globe around the time of the G20 Summit in London in early April. 

Geoff Brown and I will facilitate we20 gathering at Bellbrae, using Open Space to explore the GFC as an ‘offer’ to help us build resilient local communities. We’ll work locally and be connected to this issue globally.

We can’t afford to leave this global mess to just 20 ‘suits’ in London can we? Globally we face a huge challenge. A global economic crisis. 7 billion mouths to feed. Uncertain futures. How does that translate to our region?

Check out this film for a quick intro: http://www.youtube.com/we20media 


About we20
we20.org will act as a hub for we20 meetings, a place to organise your meeting, discuss your plans and vote on the issues that matter to you. we20 are not aligned with any particular interests and will try to help you implement ideas from your we20 meetings.

we20 meetings are being held by people like us across the world to create ideas for improving our lives. Please pledge to take part. Our leaders, face a huge task this year. The G20 is a group of 20 leaders including Obama, Brown, Lula and Sarkozy. The G20 are tasked with reforming our failed economies and mapping out our future. 

These G20 leaders meet in London on 2 April. 20 world leaders. 20 people together making plans that will affect our future.

You may have ideas to change your neighbourhood or ideas to change the world. Whatever change you want to create – it matters to we20.

If you don’t live on the Surfcoast but want to be involved please visit we20

And if you do live on the Surfcoast and would like to be involved, just leave a comment.