Taking Stock

28 August 2009 0 By Viv McWaters

It doesn’t feel like it’s been all that remarkable, this week that’s just gone, until I look at all that’s happened.

  • A collaboration involving five people from four countries was approved – enabling me to work with some great mates on a challenging and exciting project
  • A good friend gave birth to her first child – always reason for celebration
  • Another friend had confirmation of a new job and resigned his old one.
  • There were numerous birthdays this week – what is it about the last week of August?
  • My niece got married
  • Anne Pattillo and I wrote a manifesto about our facilitation training, and tweaked the program
  • Some strategy work in developing countries was confirmed
  • Saw a remarkable one-man, 30 puppets play called Billy Twinkle: Requiem for a Golden Boy
  • I helped a friend in Sweden design an important three-day workshop he’s facilitating in Paris this weekend
  • My persistent cough finally packed up and left – for good, I hope!
  • I took some half-decent photos on my new camera – in total manual mode (now to take some fully-decent ones)
  • Caught up with another friend who has been overseas for the last seven weeks
  • And had lunch with yet another friend who I hadn’t seen for about 10 years
  • Spoke with at least 10 people on skype from six different countries
  • Explained to my hairdresser how he could talk to his mum and his sister (in England) at the same time on skype using conference call
  • Helped another friend who is making a documentary film organise a trip to the US, set up skype, and introduced him to people I know in places he’s visiting
  • I read lots of inspirational blogs, funny blogs, shocking blogs; connected via Twitter and Facebook
  • Three books arrived from the US courtesy of the TED book club

Sometimes it’s worth stopping to take stock.

Lucky I don’t have a real job!

Phew! Time for a drink, I reckon.