Butterfly stamping

18 May 2011 1 By Viv McWaters

I’d never heard of this before – HT Chris Corrigan. The process itself is quite straightforward and sounds like a useful way of helping people get inside the cynefin framework. Personally, I’d use Visual Explorer cards or something similar to do this – I like to provide ways for people to explore knowing beyond words/language especially as I often work with people who have English as a second, or third, language.

What I really like about this approach is under the heading of Practice. There’s a whole suite of things there that you might NOTICE. I think the richness comes from the noticing – noticing behaviour, responses, status plays – there is a lot to notice. The challenge for facilitators is to do the noticing and then NOT to jump to conclusions.

PS: It’s also about noticing our own responses and behaviour, as well as those of the participants. When noticing our own responses we have access to additional information, too – our own thoughts. Sometimes best kept to self!