Category: Collaboration

A few thoughts about what it’s like to be a free agent gleaned from John Hagel’s talk

17 February 2014 1

When John Hagel started speaking about the dark side of technology as mounting performance pressure, the inevitable comparison with others and the pressure to keep up, I found myself nodding in agreement. John Hagel, co-author of The Power of Pull and co-founder of the deliciously paradoxically-named Deloitte Center for the Edge, is back in Australia…

By Viv McWaters

Better meetings

9 December 2013 0

As I write this, it’s Monday morning in my part of the world. Have a look at your diary for this week. How many meetings are scheduled? Are they all necessary? Are you looking forward to them? Will they be worthwhile? Do your meetings look somewhat like this picture? Maybe you can cancel just one…

By Viv McWaters

Better meetings

29 April 2013 0

This is such an exciting collaboration – and most of it has happened while I’ve been sleeping! Regular readers will know that I’m pretty keen on bringing meetings to life, and that Johnnie and I have published a book. We also offer face-to-face workshops to share our ideas and approaches (the next one is in London…

By Viv McWaters

The essence of every new day

1 January 2013 0

It feels a bit like pressing the restart button, this first day of January. An opportunity for new beginnings. It’s both a relief, and a little sad, to say farewell to another year, and also exciting to anticipate a new year. It captures the essence of every new day – to carry forward what we…

By Viv McWaters