Category: Dogs

Checking in

8 September 2010 0

Just a quick post to all my readers (all three of you!) to let you know that I’ve been thinking of you, but have had some other things on my mind just recently. So apologies for the lack of presence on this here blog. Back soon, I promise. — In the meantime, here’s something from…

By Viv McWaters


29 July 2010 1

Even the sky was gloomy across Comet’s last night.  The new, last, day began in thick fog with mist that persisted. Right up, that is, until Comet’s final moments, when the sun came out and a breeze blew the fog away. Just a co-incidence, but nice nonetheless. And there were the kangaroos, grazing as usual…

By Viv McWaters

In a blogging frame of mind

30 October 2008 4

So I’m sitting here in my home office. The windows, which need yet another clean because there was a dust storm while I was away, and because of the salt that accumulates from the winds that blow off the ocean, look out over our native garden. That’s not a garden full of natives (as in…

By Viv McWaters

Facilitator Energy

2 May 2008 0

There’s been a lot of discussion on our local Facilitator List about facilitator energy – many very sensible and useful suggestions. However I love this response from Andrew. Made me laugh – and I think that’s one of the best ways to rejuvenate.       A great topic and one I reckon we can…

By Viv McWaters