Category: General

Learning is an adventure

30 May 2015 0

Training is on my mind at the moment. I’ve always believed in the importance of helping others learn to do what I do with facilitation, and more, rather than build a dependence. The next couple of weeks are chocker block full of creative facilitation training – one of my favourite things to be doing. So…

By Viv McWaters

Honor Among Thieves: A Review

23 March 2015 0

Edges are interesting places. Unpredictable stuff happens there. Much of what many of us take for granted every day – belonging, security, understanding – can be missing, or at least fleeting. In his latest book, the second in a trilogy, J. explores these themes through the eyes and experiences of humanitarian workers and the people…

By Viv McWaters

Language, please!

4 February 2015 0

It’s not what you’re thinking. I have no problem with bad language, swearing, cussing. Fuck no. My friend Kay Scorah wrote a brilliant piece recently about all those words you probably shouldn’t be using. As they say, be warned, strong language – and now go read it. I’ll wait. Johnnie Moore found this gem too on…

By Viv McWaters

Burlesque, red dust, sexual and mental health, fun, connection – and cocktails!

7 December 2014 0

While I’m on about inspiring, how about this? The Channel Country Ladies Day. Also on ABC’s Landline. You can watch it here. Women who live and work in isolated communities and properties in rural Queensland come together for a girls’ weekend. There’s everything you’d expect from a girls’ weekend: pampering, cocktails, talking, eating, shopping – and…

By Viv McWaters

The power in performance

7 December 2014 0

Josh Arnold is a country music singer, songwriter and seemingly all-round good Aussie bloke. His story was featured on Landline – an ABC program that features stories of Australian agriculture, and rural life. You can watch it here.  He brings music into classrooms – at all levels – helping kids connect to music, gain confidence,…

By Viv McWaters

Birdwatching from my desk

18 November 2014 0

Glancing just a little to my left of my computer screen, I can see, through my office window, one of the bird baths in our garden. It is an endless source of joy for me. This morning I saw four different species using the bath at the same time: Grey Fantails, Red-browed Finches, Brown Thornbills…

By Viv McWaters

Why I broke up with TED

19 October 2014 0

I’ve broken up with TED. We had a short, but intense relationship. We never met face-to-face. We’d meet on-line. I devoured much of what TED said. I became a TED Associate. I’d receive gifts in the mail – books that I would never have read otherwise, and games. I used to be so delighted when…

By Viv McWaters

The cause, and solution, to all our problems

19 October 2014 0

It’s inevitable. In every movement, organisation, group, and relationship the villain is often communication. And the saviour. “The problem is communication.” “The solution to our problem is better communications.” I hear variations of these all the time. Hell, I’ve even said it myself. It means something different every time. While the situation, the participants, and…

By Viv McWaters

How to do more of what works

15 October 2014 0

Funny how things come together sometimes – an online course about decision-making in complexity and uncertainty, a book about being an astronaut, a workshop on social labs, and an exhibition on making animated movies. I didn’t plan it this way, it just happened, and now I have something to write about. I’m reading Chris Hadfield’s…

By Viv McWaters