Category: Leadership

Nick Owen keynote at the improv conference, Portland Oregon

15 November 2009 2

Thought I’d try some live blogging. I’m at the Applied Improv Conference in Portland Oregon with about 100 other people. It’s day two – and Nick is our only keynote. The title of his session is called Touching the Heart: Exploring Core Values through Personal Storytelling. He’s doing some introductory stuff – building rapport with…

By Viv McWaters

Leaders rule – differently, though

6 January 2009 0

Keith Sawyer has an interesting post about the role of leadership and lessons learned from the impact of internet ‘democratisation’ and the emergence of ‘open source communities’. Keith suggests that the internet has enabled ‘participatory democracy’ evidenced by Wikipaedia and Linux. The question remains however if there is a different form of leadership required in…

By Viv McWaters