Category: Musings

Questions and answers

18 May 2014 0

Finding the right answer, or even the best answer, was rewarded when I went to school. Admittedly, that was a long time ago. I’ve spent the rest of my life learning how to ask questions. Answers can be satisfying (giving and receiving) – in the same way that sugar is satisfying. They provide fleeting satisfaction,…

By Viv McWaters

Committing at last!

20 October 2013 0

One of the cards that we use in workshops says COMMIT YOURSELF. It’s a call to take a stance, to step in, to stand for something. It’s the opposite of hedging your bets. For too long now I’ve been hedging my bets with my work – espousing the edgy nature of games and improvisation, and,…

By Viv McWaters

How to get there

4 December 2012 2

 This cartoon by Michael Leunig tells you all you need to know about how to get there. I think it’s brilliant. Sometimes people ask me how I got to be doing what I’m now doing (I think they mean the work, and not sitting here at a computer writing a blog post). Sometimes I ask…

By Viv McWaters

What’s becoming clear to you?

10 October 2012 2

This is one of my favourite debrief questions when I’m facilitating a group. In truth, it’s a go to question when I have nothing else to ask. It’s open, it’s broad and it allows people to answer it any way they like. It creates conversation, it surfaces ambiguity and yet more questions. In short, it’s…

By Viv McWaters


3 September 2012 0

July 20th 1969 was a school day. It was just eight days before my 14th birthday. I was in Form 2, or as it’s now known, Year 8. My school was large, with over 1000 students. I didn’t like it much, and I was anxious. What if the teachers didn’t let us watch the moon…

By Viv McWaters

Community and connection

20 August 2012 0

Is it over sharing or reaching out? This is one of the new skills we have to navigate in this connected world. I think we all crave connection and understanding, empathy and love. Is it possible to get this on-line? I’ve seen friends reach out on-line and receive an outpouring of support, ideas, encouragement and…

By Viv McWaters

Passion is not enough

31 July 2012 1

We hear a lot about doing what you’re passionate about. Good advice. Certainly beats doings something you hate. Finding your passion is one thing – and not always as easy as it seems – and sharing your passion with others is quite another. I’ve come to realise that passion is not enough. It’s not okay…

By Viv McWaters


22 July 2012 1

What an exhausting and exhilarating couple of weeks it’s been. Improvention in Canberra with lots of really talented improv folk, then hosting AIN Downunder: Thriving In Uncertainty Conference. More on that later. And now I’m at Mt Hotham for a week’s skiing. I love skiing. I love being in the mountains. Today was a glorious…

By Viv McWaters