Category: Resilience

Facilitators helping communities recover

27 February 2009 1

Facilitator n. A person who makes a group’s work easier by structuring and guiding the participation of group members.             Fran Rees, The Facilitator Excellence Handbook, Jossey-Bass Pfeiffer, 1998, page 11.   Bushfires, emergency response, media coverage, tears, volunteers, support, recovery, resettling, hugs, rebuilding. Then what? How do individuals and communities…

By Viv McWaters

Time for Action 2

9 February 2009 0

Thanks to everyone who has so far offered support – and even if you haven’t or can’t, thanks for being there. It’s early days so I’ll simply keep a register of people who are interested in helping and pass that along to relevant organisations. I’ll let you know what I’m doing. Feel free to pass…

By Viv McWaters

Time for action

8 February 2009 27

What a difference a day makes. Many thousands of Victorians did not have a good weekend. They now face the devastation of bush fires that swept the State on Saturday in extraordinarily hot weather, fuelled by gale force winds. Whole townships have been destroyed, and many, many lives lost. It’s hard not to feel overwhelmed…

By Viv McWaters

Inspiration and motivation

24 January 2009 1

Feeling a bit down in the dumps the other day and unable to get myself motivated, I started writing this post. I’ve always understood inspiration to be external and motivation to be internal. I’m finding lots to inspire me on the web, and in the world. What I’m struggling with is motivation. Any suggestions? And…

By Viv McWaters