Category: Learning

The power of modelling behaviours

22 June 2009 0

I’ve always understood the importance of modelling behaviours, although I’m not entirely sure where or how I learnt this. I do remember when I changed jobs, oh, 20 something years ago, and finding myself working with two amazingly talented people, Terry and Sarah (hi, guys, if you’re out there!). Terry was, and still is, a…

By Viv McWaters

Gifts from Improv Theatre

22 April 2009 7

Today I was privileged to present at the Australian Institute of Training & Development Conference in Sydney. My session was about exploring six of the key improv ‘rules’ that I’ve found useful when using improv in workshops, for training, or for my own development. As I’m no good at preparing notes in advance, I promised…

By Viv McWaters

Secret of my (our) success

17 April 2009 0

Half jokingly I often say that I hang out with talented people, and that’s the secret of my success. It’s only partly a joke because it happens to be true. In fact, Seth Godin (I think) said you want to be the least talented person in a room full of talented people. That way you…

By Viv McWaters

At the edges

14 April 2009 0

Over there at 37 Days Patti Digh is at it again, challenging herself, and us, to discover, well, stuff about ourselves.  And, of course, this is not where the challenge started. It started with a challenge to do a small thing, for ourselves, for 37 days. Doesn’t sound so hard does it? I chose not…

By Viv McWaters

World Cafe reflections

10 April 2009 1

I’ve been using the World Cafe process a lot lately – with groups of policy makers, scientists, planners, community activists and bushfire survivors. Here’s what I’ve learned. 1. Use a broad theme for the discussion question, and use the same question for all the rounds of discussion. People will naturally diverge and talk about what’s…

By Viv McWaters