Category: Play

Games connect

28 April 2017 0

On our recent trip to Mongolia, in winter, I knew we’d be spending a lot of time indoors, with host families and with each other. It seemed like a good idea to take some table-top games to play. I chose games that did not require any understanding of English: Ghost Blitz and Skip-Bo Both games…

By Viv McWaters

Connecting More Deeply

19 July 2016 0

I’m riffing some ideas here based on the four themes we’ve been exploring for Creative Leadership: Having bolder conversations Connecting more deeply Engaging the resistance Staying alive This is one of those things that’s easy to say, hard to do. We all like to think we’re okay with change, yet when it comes to the…

By Viv McWaters

Birdwatching from my desk

18 November 2014 0

Glancing just a little to my left of my computer screen, I can see, through my office window, one of the bird baths in our garden. It is an endless source of joy for me. This morning I saw four different species using the bath at the same time: Grey Fantails, Red-browed Finches, Brown Thornbills…

By Viv McWaters

Play is serious business!

6 October 2014 0

Too right! “Play is absolutely fundamental for children’s physical, social, mental, and emotional development.” Professor Roger Hart. I’d love to make a video like this about the importance of adults playing too.

By Viv McWaters

The games we play

10 July 2014 1

It’s no secret that I’m a fan of games, play and movement. Recently I attended a MASHLM Humanitarian Summer School in Lugana, Switzerland. It was three days exploring games for humanitarian and development work led by Pablo Saurez from the Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre and Eric Gordon from the Harvard University Engagement Game Lab.…

By Viv McWaters

A games-free zone?

28 January 2014 0

A couple of things got me thinking this week (and that’s no mean feat during the summer holidays – much easier to just forget about everything and enjoy the beach). The first was a request from a facilitator for ideas about working with a group on one of those super hot Melbourne days where it’s…

By Viv McWaters

Playfully exploring serious issues: what does that mean?

19 August 2013 0

Some issues are so serious they are hard, or painful, to talk about. So we often see sombre meetings, and participants struggling to find words befitting the seriousness of the issue. These meetings are often long, painful and tedious. Playfully exploring these serious issues is an alternative. It doesn’t mean trivialising. It does mean coming…

By Viv McWaters

A surefire way to solve problems

12 October 2012 0

I now have a tried and true formula for solving problems. I’ve tested it many times and it ALWAYS works. Most recently was yesterday. I was struggling with some work and finding a way to breakthrough. I was planted in front of my computer and I was frustrated and grumpy. Talking about it (complaining if…

By Viv McWaters

Let the games begin

17 September 2012 0

The Olympics are over for another four years. But it’s not those sort of games I’m referring to. Not sporty, competitive games. Nor video games. And no, not board games either. These games are for fun. They are active, playful, not too energetic (though they can be), not too competitive (though they can be that…

By Viv McWaters