Category: Conferences

What is the purpose of a conference?

26 October 2015 1

“The best part of the conference are the breaks. I put up with all of the other stuff so as I can catch up with friends, and meet new people, during the breaks.” I’ve heard variations of this over the years. I’ve even said it myself, though these days I’m less likely to spend the…

By Viv McWaters

Don’t lecture me!

19 November 2013 0

This is worth watching again – and again, and every single time you think that standing up in front of a group of people and talking at them will ‘educate’ them about something . It won’t. It never did. It never will. Visit Donald Clark’s website for lots more to back up his arguments. What…

By Viv McWaters

Collecting insights

26 September 2012 0

There was a lot happening at the Applied Improvisation Network Conference in San Francisco. As well as the pre-planned sessions, and the open space offerings, the one-on-one and small group conversations, and the serendipitous moments, there was the Twitter and Facebook back channel, photos being posted on Flickr, videos being made, drawings made, and people…

By Viv McWaters

Why do you go to conferences?

10 June 2012 1

What does the word ‘conference’ conjure in your mind? The man sitting next to me on the couch is a scientist, so his view of conferences and mine vary enormously. As a facilitator, I get to attend many different types of events, and experience the different ways in which people interact. I also attend events…

By Viv McWaters