Category: Creativity

The games we play

10 July 2014 1

It’s no secret that I’m a fan of games, play and movement. Recently I attended a MASHLM Humanitarian Summer School in Lugana, Switzerland. It was three days exploring games for humanitarian and development work led by Pablo Saurez from the Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre and Eric Gordon from the Harvard University Engagement Game Lab.…

By Viv McWaters

How to be more creative

3 October 2013 2

My late mentor, Brian Bainbridge, used to laugh at the ridiculousness (is that even a word?) of deciding to be creative. He’d tap his watch and say “I’m going to have a creative thought at precisely 12 minutes past four.” Then he’d reach for a glass of red wine and bemoan the state of the…

By Viv McWaters

A surefire way to solve problems

12 October 2012 0

I now have a tried and true formula for solving problems. I’ve tested it many times and it ALWAYS works. Most recently was yesterday. I was struggling with some work and finding a way to breakthrough. I was planted in front of my computer and I was frustrated and grumpy. Talking about it (complaining if…

By Viv McWaters